Thursday, May 16, 2013

Starting Line To A Virtual Assistant

Starting Line As Virtual Assistant Very Challenging

          In every aspect in life starting to everything is hard to do. Starting to something much harder when no planning has been made. Inexperience to every field will put your mind in solitude and uncertainty. When doing some sort of building or creating a project without plan or blueprint results to inferior outcome. Guides and tutorials maybe a good help; but,determination to do a thing much better even the outcome takes a bit longer. Experience, the best teacher as they said; but, how can you have an experience when you are on new kind of thing. Unless, you begin to start anew and find yourself in the midst of unsuccessful result. More sleepless nights and mind clearing where to begin and how to start. As to a child the first stand clinging on to a crib and making the first step without any to cling to,is awfully very hard. Must do attitude be practised without hesitation even how many times you make a fall. Trying hard to “do good results” is a virtue. Discipline had a much better impact in one’s attitude on how to make a good start.

          A well planned project had a good outcome as always perceived by the one working. Comments will be made after the job or project been fulfilled. With this comment you may see as the mirror of what you had accomplished. As to others it is an intrigue but for mediocre people it is a sign of gaining success for the start. We may dissolve some to correct and some of it would be ignored or as “netizens” we can “spam/reject” some unnecessary comments. Failures had been a factor where we may had discouraging experience to start into the new activities. Unless somebody else introduced us into the right “turning point”. Yet our mind is still uncertain whether this the path to success. Believing to oneself another (self-determination) option and tool offsetting discouragements that we endured with our life. The act of doing from the fresh start will absolve us from the so-called of not giving a try solution to an existing problem. Problems prosper when average men with solution do not participate in solving.

          On my part, with my age and secluded field of profession internet jobs a very foreign to me, until I had my guiding hand of Mr. Jomar Hilario mentoring software for becoming a “Virtual Assistant“. Since 2007 I had been looking in the internet for something that can help me to earn. All I encounter were those websites that does not help but to take your money first, before their very hard software to interpret. Personally I can’t be full-time to internet exposure for my offshore job. We don’t have internet connections for our personal use, only for official ship to company messaging. Spending with my hard-earned money I had downloaded some tools and programs that was unusable to me. Acquiring the mentoring by downloadable version truly help me start this new venue of searching for a new job as for turning point of earning for livelihood. Although, for just a mere start I already feel the hardship. But, with persevering I pray and expect to attain success for venturing this new pathway. As for commitment to assignments this will be my first “Presentation”. Learning and discovering different ideas also an education. Education known to be an unending process of life.

1 comment:

  1. Where and when to start quite hard to every aspect what you want to accomplish. Even in a race the starting line the most challenging. You need extra effort to start and finishing almost losing your breath. Good experience and reseach is a must to every race we join.
